Sunday, November 15, 2015


Hello blog world! it's me *again* *again* *again* *again*

Yeah, probably you are all tired of hearing my "comebacks" to blogging.  I can't recall how many times i've tried to blog regularly again since I was in college.  You see, back then, I regularly update a blog everyday as much as possible. Basically, stories everything under the sun.  I had stories to tell back then, both interesting and not so interesting.  

There were occasions that I tried to blog regularly after that but then I guess I was too busy back then.  Not only that, I don't have regular and reliable internet connections that makes blogging easier.  But more so, I felt insignificant and uninteresting.  Grew tired of my life you can say.  

Now, I am returning to blogging again and I am planning to keep and stick with it this time.  You know what,  blogging has actually helped me to express myself. It actually helped me to have an outlet of things that I want to say and share.   Now, honestly, I don't know who I am.  I don't know how to share myself with anyone anymore.  Recently, I underwent an interview for a position I am applying for and they asked me a very basic question, "Tell me Something About Yourself?" and you know what? i turned blank. As in stare to the wall.  I don't know who I am anymore.  I lost the passion.  I lost hobbies.  I lost myself.  I am going back to blogging to find my wants, needs, what makes me happy and excited.  To find what makes me sad, depressed, my passion and what i value the most.  Hopefully, I can find myself again.  

So there, world! There's no one here but some 30 something year old single, filipino man, presently lost and contemplating with the hope of finding and sharing himself again to the world.  ^_^

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